Sunday, July 12, 2009

who i am. in a matter of words.

ohk so recently i was at christian life week, and they have a night called challenge night, it is designed to challenge and further your faith in God.
it wasnt as impacting as it usually is for me, but it did confirm something for me. i know who i am, and i know who i am in Christ, this is something that i didn't used to know, and a lot of people struggle with. i know that i am still growing as a person and in my faith, walk and journey, but i know who i am right now, i am confident in that person. it cannot be entirely summed up in a matter of words, because there is always new things i think of to add, and you can't put a person and their heart and soul on a piece of paper.
but here is what i could put on paper.


I am.
a person who makes mistakes
a not so typical teenage girl
trying to live a Godly life and stay on the narrow path
a person who values honesty and integrity
a fighter, a believer. i always have hope
someone who loves to laugh, have fun and forget about the drama around me
a basketballer and an art freak
someone who never gives up
a person who values life
forever seeking forgiveness, saved by Christ Jesus' mercy
a procrastinator, but a perseverer
a stronghold to those who need it
brave when it is needed, afraid of my capability and inexperience
a free spirit
tied to God by a rubber band, no matter how hard i pull away, not matter how far i run, he always brings me home
afraid of falling
afraid of loving
afraid of trusting
afraid of losing the things and people i love and depend upon
trying my hardest to be a good example to the younger generation
secure in my own person

I am not.
good at first impressions
what is expected on face value
a person who talks about friends behind their back. i deal with problems upfront
someone who sleeps around
defined by what i do, but who i am
quick to trust. i struggle
a liar
what people tell me to be
a pushover
someone who backs down when i love, i hold on tight and keep hope

11:28pm 12th july 2009

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